Milky Moments
A book especially for children.
Many parents will recognise that disappointing moment when they turn a page in a chiildren’s book and see a picture of a baby, or sometimes an animal, being bottlefed. If breastfeeding is shown it is often in the context of “one way babies are fed,” or the positioning is all wrong. It seems difficult to find a book where breastfeeding is presented as the norm. The use of bottles in books, pictures, advertising and the media means that children inevitably grow up seeing bottle feeding as the way babies are fed, even if they have been breastfed themselves.
At last a book has come along which changes that. Milky Moments sets out to normalise breastfeeding for young children by taking every day moments and activities that they will recognise and beautifully illustrating a mother and nursing baby in each one. The author, Ellie Stoneley – herself the mother of a breastfed child – and illustrator Jessica D’Alton Goode consulted with many mothers and children as they worked on the book. They also talked to La Leche League Leaders who were able to offer their insight and input, particularly making sure that positioning look comfortable.
The result is a delightful, fun story book that children will identify with; giving the very positive message that breastfeeding is normal and can be done anywhere. There is also a small bear called Eric to find on every page to add to the enjoyment. This book will make a welcome additional to many a bookshelf.
Read more about how this book came to be written
Author: Ellie Stoneley
Illustrator: Jessica D’Alton Goode
Size: 198 x 283 mm
Pages: 40
Publisher: Pinter & Martin, 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1780662558
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