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The Art of Breastfeeding 2024

Full Sample set of LLLGB booklets & info sheets

A Sudden End to Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Adjusting to Motherhood
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Amazing Milk
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Antenatal Expression of Colostrum
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Birth & Breastfeeding
£1.80 - £7.00
£1.80 - £7.00

Blocked Ducts & Mastitis
£0.90 - £6.50
£0.90 - £6.50

£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Breastfeeding Basics
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Breastfeeding & Thrush (2022)
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50

Caesarean Birth and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Comfortable Breastfeeding
£0.50 - £7.00
£0.50 - £7.00

Diabetes and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Dummies and Breastfeeding
£0.50 - £7.00
£0.50 - £7.00

Engorged breasts – avoiding and treating
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Expressing Your Milk
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Hand Expression of Breastmilk
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

If you Leave Your Baby
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Inverted Nipples?
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00

Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Jaundice in Healthy Newborns
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

My Baby Won't Breastfeed
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Nipple Confusion
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Nipple Know-How
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Nipple Pain–why and what to do
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Nipple Shields?
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Nursing Supplementers 2020 edition
£0.60 - £5.50
£0.60 - £5.50

Out and About With Your Breastfed Baby
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Parenting When Your Partner Breastfeeds
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Positioning & Attachment
£2.00 - £7.00
£2.00 - £7.00

Pregnant & Breastfeeding?
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Relactation and Induced Lactation
£1.50 - £6.50
£1.50 - £6.50

Rhythms & Routines
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Safer Sleep & the Breastfed Baby (2022 edition)
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Sleepy Baby - why and what to do
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Smoking and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Still Nursing
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00

Storing Your Milk
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Supporting a Breastfeeding Mother
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

The Unhappy Breastfed Baby
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Thinking of Weaning
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00

Toddlers and Food
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Tongue Tie & Breastfeeding
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00

Too Much Milk
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00

Twins and More
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

When Babies Cry
£0.50 - £1.50
£0.50 - £1.50

When a Mother is Unwell
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

When Mum Can't be There
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Workday Practicalities
£0.50 - £6.50
£0.50 - £6.50

Working and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00

Breastfeeding: Relactation and Adoption (ABA)

The Breast Book

Back to Work for the Breastfeeding Mother

Breastfeeding Answers – A Guide for Helping Families

The Early Weeks of Breastfeeding

Exclusively Pumping Breastmilk

Expressing Your Milk

HIV and Breastfeeding: the untold story

How Mothers Love

Kiss Me! How to raise your children with love

Milk and Cookies

Milky Moments

Molly's Milkies

My Child Won’t Eat