Full Sample set of LLLGB booklets & info sheets
Breastfeeding Answers – A Guide for Helping Families
Breastfeeding Answers Pocket Guide (2nd Ed)
Breastfeeding Illustrated
Breastfeeding Without Birthing
Expressing Your Milk
Exclusively Pumping Breastmilk
HIV and Breastfeeding: the untold story
Hold Your Prem - the film DVD
Let's Talk About Your New Family's Sleep
LLLGB Starting Solids DVD
Microbirth DVD (personal use)
Trouble Shooting Milk Production
Supplementers A4 Printed Poster
Three Keeps A4 Printed Poster
Three Keeps poster (free download)
Components of Human Milk A2 printed poster
Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter
Why Infant Reflux Matters
Why The Politics of Breastfeeding Matter
Why Postnatal Depression Matters
Why Tongue-tie Matters
Why Your Baby's Sleep Matters
A Sudden End to Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Allergy & Food Intolerance (2022)
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50
Blocked Ducts & Mastitis
£0.90 - £6.50
£0.90 - £6.50
Inverted Nipples?
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00
My Baby Needs More Milk (2022 ed)
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50
Adjusting to Motherhood
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Breastfeeding & Thrush (2022)
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50
Caesarean Birth and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Diabetes and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Jaundice in Healthy Newborns
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
My Baby Won't Breastfeed
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Nipple Know-How
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Smoking and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
The Unhappy Breastfed Baby
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
When a Mother is Unwell
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
When Mum Can't be There
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Pregnant & Breastfeeding?
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Using donor milk & formula to support breastfeeding
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50