Common challenges
The Art of Breastfeeding 2024
Adjusting to Motherhood
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Allergy & Food Intolerance (2022)
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50
Blocked Ducts & Mastitis
£0.90 - £6.50
£0.90 - £6.50
Breastfeeding & Thrush (2022)
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50
Caesarean Birth and Breastfeeding
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Comfortable Breastfeeding
£0.50 - £7.00
£0.50 - £7.00
Dummies and Breastfeeding
£0.50 - £7.00
£0.50 - £7.00
Engorged breasts – avoiding and treating
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Positioning & Attachment
£2.00 - £7.00
£2.00 - £7.00
Expressing Your Milk
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Hand Expression of Breastmilk
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Inverted Nipples?
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00
Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
My Baby Won't Breastfeed
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Jaundice in Healthy Newborns
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
My Baby Needs More Milk (2022 ed)
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50
Nipple Confusion
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Nipple Shields?
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Nipple Know-How
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Nipple Pain–why and what to do
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Nursing Supplementers 2020 edition
£0.60 - £5.50
£0.60 - £5.50
Parenting When Your Partner Breastfeeds
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Pregnant & Breastfeeding?
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Rhythms & Routines
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Safer Sleep & the Breastfed Baby (2022 edition)
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Sleepy Baby - why and what to do
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
The Unhappy Breastfed Baby
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Twins and More
£0.60 - £7.00
£0.60 - £7.00
Tongue Tie & Breastfeeding
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00
Too Much Milk
£0.90 - £7.00
£0.90 - £7.00
When Babies Cry
£0.50 - £1.50
£0.50 - £1.50
Breastfeeding: Relactation and Adoption (ABA)
Exclusively Pumping Breastmilk
Expressing Your Milk
How Mothers Love
Let's Talk About Your New Family's Sleep
My Child Won’t Eat
Of Love and Milk - a Mother's Story DVD
Relactation: A Guide to Rebuilding Your Milk Supply
Trouble Shooting Milk Production
Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter
Why Infant Reflux Matters
Why Mothers' Medication Matters
Why Postnatal Depression Matters
Why Tongue-tie Matters
Why Your Baby's Sleep Matters
Using donor milk & formula to support breastfeeding
£1.20 - £5.50
£1.20 - £5.50